Monday, June 09, 2014

larcollins|music - Heads Will Roll, Part 1 - original demo

My latest music production project and the one I am learning the most from.  In December 2012, I was given the ultimate birthday gift.  It was something I had dreamed of getting since I was a tween - studio time at a professional recording studio.

Yes, that is an odd gift for a 12 year old to wish for.  But at that age I had decided I wanted to be a music producer.  I didn't want to be the famous singer or in a successful band (those fantasies would rise and die later), I wanted to be that guy (there were virtually NO female music producers back then) in the studio, putting everything together.  Deciding which echo effect goes where.  What instruments should be together.  Somehow at that age I understood the role of a music producer and I knew deep down that's what I wanted to do.

So 30 plus years later, I am back to focusing on making that 12 year old's dreams come true.  Imagine how floored I was when my co-worker arranged with the manager and head engineer at Henson's Recording Studio to let me record there for one day!  I'm almost collapse to the floor and cried.  Most amazing gift ever.

My session was set for January 2013.  I had to decide which of the songs I had written throughout my lifetime was going to get the full blown audio day spa treatment.  It came down to what was currently my favorite among the songs I've ever written, a song called "Girlcrush (Won't You Come Home)" and "Dark Rotary"

"Dark Rotary" didn't even have an official title until long after it had been written.  But, duh, in the chorus I repeat the line "Heads will roll" so the name of the song was staring me in the face.  I posted "Dark Rotary" on SoundCloud along with several other original tunes I had written but for some reason this particular song seemed to inspire the most listens.  As much as I love "Girlcrush," more people were connecting with the other song - so "Dark Rotary" won out.

I had taken the demo of the song off SoundCloud since I was going to be recording a true professional version.  Today I put the demo back on the site as a way to demonstrate the evolution of the song from home demo to professional recording.  And also to document what lessons I've learned along the way.

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