I'm in love already! Yes, it's quite a stretch to declare a new favorite show to something that hasn't even aired yet, but I got very excited when I saw this first cast photo for the new JJ Abrams spy drama "Undercovers."
1) They look hot! I love watching ridiculously good looking people on TV. Especially when they're paired up. This time the hotness is in the form of fellow people of color. YAY!!! I was surprised the leads in this show were black (or more accurately bi-racial.) Yes, we have the Obama presidency now, but I still have to pinch myself on that one every few months because it's so unbelievable (political leanings aside.) Hot black leads on a major network action-drama? New territory, people! I'm lovin' it!
2) It's a show about spies. Many may know me as a fan of superhero and sci-fi genres but the spy genre has always been a favorite of mine. Especially if there's comedy going on.
3) It's JJ Abrams. So many people love Josh Whedon, but I really haven't figured out the love (even though I love "Firefly" I attribute that to Tim Minear's involvement.) Thanks to the recent Star Trek movie, and a few 1st Season episodes of "Alias" and "Lost," I'm more team Abrams. Although, I can't quite commit as both "Alias" and "Lost" failed to hook me completely. And he has the distinction of writing the movie that's on my most hated list, "Armageddon."
So, yeah, it is a bit early for me to declare this favorite show when I have yet to watch it. I'm usually not a fan of dramas (with a few exceptions) but if this show manages to have a little comedy bent, it would help. Come fall I'll be checking it out. So, good luck, "Undercovers"!
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