Tell You About My Mother - Skip and the Prostitute
I'll start with the prostitute story since briefly mentioning it in the sentence above makes it sound worse than it really is. And again this story isn't really about my Mom, but maybe it will set the tone of what our lives were like growing up in Inglewood during the 1970s:
My Mom was always driving a van pool of kids (hers and others') to and from school, little league, gymnastics, whatever. Back in the day (the 70s), the stretch of Imperial Hwy in Inglewood between Prairie and Crenshaw was streetwalker row. There was always a swarm of working girls of all shapes and sizes out in broad daylight soliciting for their next Johns. It was nothing shocking to us. That was Inglewood back then. Heck, we even had whore houses on our block.

So my Mom stops for a red light. Van full of kids, of course. And on the corner is a lady of the evening working the afternoon shift. My oldest brother Skip (his name is Ulysses Jr., but we've always called him Skip) had to be around 13 or 14 years old. And being the little shit he was at the time, he rolls down the window and yells out to the prostitute "How much?"
The prostitute replies, "Ask yo' mama!"
Oooh, that was a helluva hilarious come back. But in what I consider to be one of the best punch lines anyone has ever come up with, my young teenage brother Skip replies
"I would mama, but you're never home!"
Fucking brilliant.

Tell You About My Mother - Happiness is A Warm Gun
Happiness is a warm gun, unless you're pointing it at a crazy lady behind the wheel of a van.
Happiness is a warm gun, unless you're pointing it at a crazy lady behind the wheel of a van.

up blood?" "What up cuz?" was a common greeting when I was a kid. It
was the way you'd check if someone was a member of the Crips or the
Bloods. But since most people my age were way too young to be in a
gang, it was more a way to check which neighborhood you were from.
in the 70s Inglewood was Blood territory. But we lived about 2 blocks
from the Los Angeles County line where the Crips took over. In fact my
grammar school was in Crip territory. So, yeah, that was fun!
this mean I or any member of my family or my friends routinely
interacted with gang members? Hardly! We were kids and this is what
many of the younger set did to emulate the older assholes who made up
all this stupid crap. We had no concept of its meaning. Just if you
answered wrong, it could end up in a school yard fight. Of course, I
never got in to a fight for that particular reason (I mean, look at
me?), but I do recall being chased once.
I bring up the
whole gang situation for this story because back in those days gangs
weren't as deadly as they are now. There wasn't the widespread
availability of guns. I mean you could get robbed or beat up, but there
were no such things as drive by shootings until years later.
I don't know if this kid was a gang member or not, or if the gun he had
was real or not (most likely not), but one day he decided to point it
at the wrong lady. My mom was at a gas station on the corner of Century
and Crenshaw in Inglewood, gasing up the van. You know, have kids,
will travel. After gassing up she was starting to drive away when this
kid decides to stand near the front of the van and point the gun at
her. Us kids were in the back.
Either my mom is the
bravest soul on the planet or the craziest, but one thing I know is she
was all about the take no shit. Especially not from some kid. She had
three sons of her own, not to mention 14 other boys on our block who all
respected and knew not to mess with her.
So, dumbass
is pointing the gun and something in my Mom clicked. She shifts the van
into neutral and guns the engine which I'm sure rattled the Louisville
Slugger laying across the dash board. The kid's eyes widen. The engine
revs louder. Then she shifts the van into some weird inbetween gear
which causes the van to make some horrendous frightening sound and lurch
forward a bit.
I'm pretty sure my Mom never had any
intention of running the kid over. Not that I'd put it past her if it
came to that. But she called his bluff and that was enough. The kid
took off. Hopefully to never pull a stunt like that again.

Tell You About My Mother - At the Drive-In
Oh Century Drive-In! How many memories I have of you!
Oh Century Drive-In! How many memories I have of you!

my family was of the just scraping by variety. Dave Chappelle has a
bit in his act about "What is Juice?!?!? I want Drink!" We didn't have
juice in our household on a regular basis until I was a teenager. I
recently found out why our family went camping so much - because it was
cheap! I just thought my parents really loved camping, but it was the
only way they could afford a vacation with all of their kids. Lastly,
I'd heard of walk-in movie theaters but I had never been in one until I
was ten. It was always the good ole Century Drive-In in Inglewood for
And, of course, because it was in Inglewood meant
going to a movie could be an adventure in itself. Like one particular
night my mom packed us all in the van along with my cousin Eve-lyn who
was living with us at the time. My older brothers did the usual 'hide
so we can save some money' thing. We settle in to our spot and hook
that lovely monophonic heavy steel speaker on the window.
must have been stuffy in the car because we had the windows down. I
think the first guy to approach my mom on the driver's side asked for
money. 'Sorry, how 'bout some drink? It's purple.' Okay, that part
didn't happen but if we're hiding people to even get in the place, who
has money?
The next set of guys to approach the window,
well, they wanted money too. But rather than pan handle, they decided
to attempt robbery. One guy approached the passenger front side where
my cousin was sitting, one guy approach my mom and started talking to
"Hey, lady. See my friend over there? He's crazy!"
"Hey. You see this lady sitting here? She's crazy too. And she's got a gun pointed right at you!"
She totally bluffed him. But if you've ever heard my mom talk crazy
you'd be scared too. She gets this look like she's seriously insane and
will fuck yo shit up, yo!
At that point my brothers
got into the act. We had chains in the back of our van so they start
rattling them around and barking like we had our German Shepherds with
us. My cousin Eve-lyn rolled up her window with her foot. The would be
thugs didn't risk it. They left us alone.
Later, as we were exiting the drive-in a guy waived us down asking for help because a couple guys had just robbed him.
Meeeemmmooories... Century Drive-In was ultimately torn down to make way for a Costco.
- And my nephew Steven, who's parents were able to work their way up to
a far more comfortable manner of living than we had, use to complain
they'd never buy "Drink!" Bless his heart and rest his soul.
Tell You About My Mother - The Universal Sign of Don't F**k With Me
Down to the last two. Stories that is. It was difficult to choose which one to end on, so I'm going to let time dictate the decision. I'll answer the question of what happens to you when you throw a brick at my mom's car last since that's the order in which these events happened.
Down to the last two. Stories that is. It was difficult to choose which one to end on, so I'm going to let time dictate the decision. I'll answer the question of what happens to you when you throw a brick at my mom's car last since that's the order in which these events happened.
But THIS one is for my nieces and nephews as it involves the misadventures of their dad/uncle/my brother Skip yet again.

second to last story takes place in the summer of '77 or '78. At the
time my sister was one of the top gymnast in the United States. That
meant I spent a lot of time with my mom and my sis while she trained for
the Olympics (1980 - what a banner Olympics that turned out to be for
America /sarcasm) We were always at her gym in Culver City. And in case
you're wondering, yes, I did a little training too, but decided to
abandon the sport when they wanted me to train for competition. I didn't
want to dance around in that skimpy outfit.

more momentous than our outing to Universal Studios this one summer.
Back when JAWS, the Six Million Dollar Man revolving tunnel and Cylon
Attack were the big attractions. Yes, ancient history. My mom was
designated one of the drivers because she had the van. She had her R/T
Inglewood crew with her along with some of the 90210 kids who attended
summer camp with us. And of course the ever present Louisville Slugger
on the dashboard.
The actual trip through Universal
Studios went off without a hitch. Things didn't get dicey until we all
piled back in the van to leave the amusement park and head back to the
gym. Seemed like everyone and their mother (ha!) was leaving at the same
time. There was a long line of traffic stretcing all the way down the
hill to get out of Universal. So what do you do for fun when you're
young and stuck in boring traffic?
If you're my brother
Skip you start making hand gestures to the other people stuck in
traffic. And none too nice ones at that. There were two guys in a car
waiting to merge into the lane. Skip, for whatever reason, decides to
give them the finger. They didn't like that too much. In fact they were
pissed! They start yelling and wailing on their car horn.
shit. What did he do that for? Thankfully just at that moment the
line of traffic we were in began moving. We get halfway down the hill
before traffic comes to a dead stop again. And Skip's new "friends"
decide to drive down the empty oncoming traffic lanes and to follow us.
We stop.
They stop.
this time they hop out of their car and run over to our van. My mom
still has no idea what's going on. Just all of a sudden these two guys
are standing next to her van - yelling and cursing at my brother. Then
one of the guys starts to beat up our van door!!
Now all hell breaks loose. The gym kids are freaking out. Skip's laughing. And my mom is going "what the hell?!?!"
the guy can get another punch in traffic starts to move. Of course
Skip, every the young gentleman, manages to squeeze off a couple parting
middle fingers to the guys before we zoom down the hill. Way to go,
We zoom down hill only get stuck in traffic again!
Just before the exit, too. Now we're slowly pulling up to the guard
gate at the exit when out of the window I see those two guys had
followed us again! This time they pull over near a fence, hop out of
their car and being walking towards the van. My mom catching sight of
them flips into 'don't fuck with me' mode. She turns the van towards the
two guys and starts gunning the engine, screaming "I'll run yo' ass
over! I'll run yo' ass over!"
Thankfully she doesn't.
She stops. The security guard comes up to my mom's window only to be
ambushed by the two guys screaming that they want my brother arrested.
My mom's all "I want THEM arrested!" You're a towel. No, you're a
towel! (tm "South Park") And now I'm freaking out because I know any
second now my mom is going to reach for that bat. Luckily, the security
guard gets the two guys under control. One more "I want THEM arrested!"
from momsey and she burns rubber out of the lot to take us all back to
the gym.
The gym kids are totally freaked out as steady
chorus of "What happened?" rings through the air. I play dumb.
Probably because I was mortified lol. "I don't know," I say. But I
knew exactly what had happened. And Skip ... was still laughing his ass
Sigh... I wonder where those kids are now and if
they remember their exciting trip to Universal Studios during that
summer in the late 70s.
Diamonds in the back. Sunroof top. Diggin the scene with the gansta lean. Ooohwhooo-oooh. Song's been in my head all week.
Tell You About My Mother - The Brickman's Last Stand
Sigh, here we are to the the last great thing my mother did. Now
she's taken on the role of dispenser of wisdom to her grandchildren
telling them such wise gems as "Go play in some traffic" and "Don't let
no spooks ride in yo' car." The kids love it because their Nana is
Sooooo some time around 1982 I believe, my mom
is driving the blue Ford Maverick we had at the time down the 'Shaw
(Crenshaw Blvd that is) in Inglewood. Somewhere near Brolly Hut (which
I've eaten there for at least 30 years of my life and can't believe the
same guy runs the place)
It's morning in Inglewood.
Kids are walking to school. Mom is driving down Crenshaw. One of said
kids walking to school decides to be mischevious, probably to impress
his group of friends. He picks up a brick and hurls it at a passing car.
BAM!!! Too bad the car he bullseyed was my mother's.
said kids take off running. Said mom pulls a Starsky and Hutch and
turns the car around, drives up on some sidewalk and chases said kids
down. She manages the corner them between the Ford Maverick and a
building nearby. There's no way out. She gets out the car fuming!
knew I couldn't hit them." said my mom at the time. You know, because
there are laws against that shit. It was the 80s. Not like the 70s when
you could pass around ass whippin's to other peoples kids and their
parents would thank you for it. Anyway, "I knew I couldn't hit them," so
she identified the one who hurled the brick and told all the kids,
except him, to leave and go to school.
By now this kid
was ready to shit a brick. Cornered. My mom standing in front of him,
eyes flashing, clenching her fists. What's she gonna do?
"Take off your shoes."
"Take off your shoes!" momsey yells.
The kids takes off his shoes.
"Take off your socks." Socks. "Take of your shirt." Shirts gone.
"Now, take of your pants."
"TAKE OFF YO' PANTS!!" Pants off.
mom grabs up his shoes, socks, shirt and pants into a bundle and then
hurls them all in the middle of a busy intersection on Crenshaw Blvd. A
shoe lands one place, shirt another...Traffic's rushing back and forth
everywhere over his shit.
She turns back to the kid and says, "Now go to school!"
kid takes off running. His friends are laughing their asses off. My mom
goes home, calmly calls the police and tells them there's a kid walking
down Crenshaw Blvd in his underwear. "What?"
She then
relays the whole story of what happened that morning to them. The
officers are cracking up so much they pass around the phone for her to
repeat the story to nearly everyone at the station.
whatever happened to that kid? And if he's telling his kids some crazy
lady made him strip to his underwear after he threw a brick at her car.
I love my mom :)
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