So I ordered this guitar in April

But I thought I was getting this guitar.

What's the difference?

One is smaller and thinner. And that's the one I wanted. I do not like bulky guitars.
Here's the problem. I had been going to music stores for the better part of a year, playing the smaller/thinner model. I fell in love with it. It was going to be the next guitar I purchased. I needed a new acoustic steel string since I sold my old one.
When I went to the music store to purchase it in April it was gone. It had been sold. I was heartbroken. I had just played it again not a month or two before. So, instead of taking my money across the street to another music store to see if they had one, I did what the salesman suggested. He said I could put a deposit down and when they got in another batch of these, he'd call me.
Later I found out that next batch wouldn't arrive until early June. I was okay with that. I wasn't in a rush. I had waited this long to get it. Then as early June came and went, he called me again and said they wouldn't get them in until July 23rd.
JULY 23rd! That date is going to be the death of me. I thought well this will ease the pain of not being able to get Comic Con tix for that date. I had no problem waiting.
This Monday the salesman calls me. The guitar is here! He said he badgered and cursed out the manufacturer so they made one for me to send to the store early. (Not sure if I'm completely buying that story)
I go to pick it up. I try it out at the store to make sure I still like it. It feels bulkier than I remember. I convince myself that maybe my memory was faulty. I pay balance and take it home. While registering the guitar online, I finally discover that the company makes two models that LOOK ALMOST EXACTLY ALIKE! Except one was smaller and thinner. In fact the model number is almost exactly alike - one is the 000CXE (fatty) the other 00CXAE (supermodel).
I hadn't known this when I did my original research. I got what I thought was the right model number off the internet and confirmed it with the salesman to order it. Now the problem is, as great as this guitar sounds, I know I'm going to hate playing it because it's bulky. IT'S STILL NOT THE GUITAR I WANT!
I emailed salesman and asked if there was anyway we could do an exchange for the thinner model. He gets back to me and says none are available anywhere across the country and won't be until Feb/March 2012. By then I could do a trade in and get .25 on the dollar for the one I bought. Of course he doesn't mention their store has a 45 day refund policy if the customer is not satisfied.
I tried convincing myself I'd be okay with the guitar. It really seems like a minor thing, right? But I've been playing guitar for over 30 years and it took me about 20 of those to really figure out what I like and don't like in a guitar. In fact, this same thing happened to me in 1988. I want in to a store to buy a thin acoustic, but since it was slightly out of my price range, rather than walk out, I let the saleman talk me into the cheaper bulky one.
As great as that guitar sounded, I grew to not like playing it. As it got older, the more it stayed in it's case. It's the one I sold and would be replacing with this one.
I really can't let that happen again, as minor as it may seems. I'll own a guitar I'm going to grow to hate. The music store will have a better chance selling it and getting the best price than I ever will. And I'm trying to decide if it was a punk move for the salesman not to tell me about the return policy in order to keep his commission.