I think this will be my last ChuckMeMonday blog post for a while at least. I feel I've made my point and probably overstayed my welcome. I do love this show, though. Feel it has that rare magical/charm/heart quality you only get about once a decade. But there's only so far I want to go annoying people about it. However, I do reserve the right in re-watching older episodes to pop in here and comment on them from time to time. Then there's the whole Half Naked Count I want to keep going. Oh boy. Maybe I won't be able to get away from blogging about it?
I didn't start watching this show until it's second season. And because the first episode of Season 2 does such a swell job of (re)introducing the viewer to the entire premise of the show as well as the personalities and relationship dynamics of the characters, I kind of wonder if I would have gotten as hook if I had started watching from the beginning?
That's something I'll probably never know, but one thing is for sure - by the time vs. The Wookie rolled around I most definitely would have been hooked. It has to do with the Sarah Walker character. In the first two episodes the CIA agent comes across as a bit intense (understandable, she's a CIA agent) but I'm not sure she's really all that likable. By this episode you're all "Awh, she's a sweet kid! A sweet kid who kills people for a living, but...Awwh" Plus here they start laying the groundwork for how she and Chuck have a lot more in common than anyone would suspect. A lot of the fun of the series has to do with this gradual revelation, although the bulk of it occurs in S2.
So if you can get past the obvious T&A'ness of this episode, which frankly I thought was funny because it reminded me of watching "Charlie's Angels" back in the day (and this show is all about 80s and some 70s pop culture references) the visual gag of why this episode is called vs The Wookie is great... or gross... or both depending on your POV. If you're not hooked by the end, this really isn't the show for you.
There's already complications in the Half Naked count. Do I count random flashes of underwear or do I just count full blown half nakedness? Maybe half a point for random flashes?
Full Blown Half Naked Count: Yvonne Strahovski 2, Captain Awesome 1, The Wookie 1
with Random flash count added: Yvonne Strahovski 3, Captain Awesome 1, The Wookie 1