Capt Awesome vs. Agent Frankenstein - Awesome holds his own but Casey is one tough SOB. Luckily Sarah shows up with a well placed boot to the head to save the day. Best part - Awesome learns about his future bro-in-law's secret spy life. Its been sad to see Chuck so devastated that he can't share what's going on in his life with his sister. This is like the next best thing. And I'm so going to try to work in the line "Can you be awesome?" Into everyday life.
Agent Frankenstein vs The Smoking Hot Weiner Girl

I've come to think of the Casey and Sarah part of Team Bartowski as Team Bad Ass. Because they are. They haven't fought against each other since early S1. But, yay, we get a rematch! Sort of. They actually spend most of their fight taking out Fulcrum agents (because they are Team Bad Ass!). Even better was the reason why they were fighting - Casey was mad Chuck and Sarah didn't include him in their rogue mission to save Chuck's dad. But that's a good thing or we'd have never gotten...
Hand Porn! (tm someone at TWoP)
Oh Chuck and Sarah with your fake relationship. Pretending to be together while at the same time trying to hide the fact that you want to be together...stuff like this is bound to happen.
Special thanks to Morgan for proving once again nothing comes between Chuck and Sarah /rimshot
Also special thanks to the show's music supevisor for keeping the second line of the chorus of the song used in this scene ("Creature Fear" by Bon Iver)... and for the sensors for not noticing. HA!
A lot of people complain about the Buy More plots on the show. Me? I enjoy them. Although if they fazed out that part of the show, I wouldn't mind because there's only so much spy action that could realistically (at least as far as this show goes) take place at the Buy More. Anyway, loving "the Godfather" homages. That and Buster Bleuth constantly screaming out "Ass Man" for his new assistant manager Morgan. Somehow the slightly crass guy humor on this show works for me. Who'dve guessed? Morgan declares his freedom, quits the Buy More and takes Anna with him. Carry on my wayward little bearded manboy.
Intersect, out!
Chuck's dad eliminates the whole premise of the show by getting the Intersect out of Chuck's head. Okay, that means no more spy missions? No more Team Bartowski (or Team Bad Ass)? Everyone ends on a happy, promising future kind of note. But there's one more episode to go so you know they're going to blow things up with no promise of another season. Television, I love and hate you.
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